Tristan asian gay porn star

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Basically I’m into pretty much any body type, as long as they have a twinky/”baby” face. I’m super picky, but one of my biggest problems is that I don’t know exactly how to describe my type. What kind of guys do you like to film with? So now, Kurt’s “old co-workers” are kinda like my new bosses in a sense. I spent like a month and a half around Alex and Casey and got to know them, and it really opened my eyes about doing this kind of work. I got to learn who they are, and then I ended up meeting a bunch of the models.

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Then one night we were out getting dinner when he got a text from his old co-workers to hang out, and since Kurt and I were hanging out when he got this text, I got tagged along to join.Īnd who were the co-workers? Kyle and Max?

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I met former Helix model Kurt Summers through Grindr, not knowing who he was, and we hung out a few times. Tristan Adler: So, it just kinda happened by accident. Str8UpGayPorn: Hello, Tristan! How did you decide to become an adult performer? How did the 21-year-old decide to become a gay porn star, how is he managing all the newfound fame, and what does he look forward to doing in an upcoming scene? Answers to all those questions and more in Tristan’s exclusive interview below. Since debuting late last year on Helix’s all-twink studio, performer Tristan Adler has amassed a huge following of loyal fans.

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