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When he tells Mary about it, she sighs and just pats him on the back. “I-You-“ Gerry stammers, dropping some cakes in surprise, “I’ll come back later!” And he slams the door as quickly as he’d opened it, and rushes back downstairs.

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“Ach-! Shite, Daddy, you scared the bejesus out of me!” Erin shrieks, jumping away from James who looks shell shocked, and turns red, though it is doing nothing to cover up the love bites all over his neck.

How the rest of Derry find out about Erin and the Wee English Fellaįor madeinfrance, pinkf, areseebee, Warks1999, Saurus1994, Ridiculosity, Quiet_Constellation, softgoldenglow, SugaryRemus, penandcheek, loulou268, pearlydewdrop Fandoms: Derry Girls (TV)

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